Friday, May 15, 2020

The Guinea Pig

Once upon a time there was a man named Bob bought a guinea pig named Bob jnr. One day when Bob was sleeping Bob jnr decided to run away. On the way to the spca he met a dog that people didn't want because they thought he had the coronavirus. Bob jnr found out that the dog's name was Max which was the breed of japanese spitz. So he and Max set out for the spca. Soon they came across a river. The dog said we could swim across but Bob jnr said he couldn't swim. So Bob jnr went on Max's back while Max swam across the river. Next they saw a sign that said spca 100 meters. They ran along but then realised that by the time they reached the spca Bob jnr would almost be dead. So they stopped for the night at the 50 meter mark. The next day they got to the spca and got a new home. Bob jnr got taken by a girl named Cara and got a new name of Chubs. He also had a friend in his hutch with him named Mystic. As for Max he got adopted by a nice family and was very muched loved by a girl named Klaudia.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Cara, Your writing shows that you care about animals and know about the great work of the SPCA. You could uae paragraphs to show the different parts of your story. I like the bold, easy to read font you selected.


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.

The Elephant From The Six Blind Men

  For reading this week one of our tasks was to make an elephant out of what all the blind men thought that the elephant. This is mine :)